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Team AC1

Our Team

Section for nanoporous and nanoscale Materials

Group Prof. Dr. C. Janiak

Section Head

Photo of Christoph Janiak

Section Head

Building: 26.43
Floor/Room: 01.43
+49 211 81-12286


+49 211 81-11580

Scientific staff member

Work group Crystal Engineering

+49 211 81-12290

X-ray coordinator

+49 211 81-12194

Technical staff member

+49 211 81-12873

+49 211 81-12874

+49 211 81-12874

Guest Scientists/Cooperation Partners

+49 211 81-12194

+49 211 81-12194

+49 211 81-13098


+49 211 81-13098

+49 211 81-13153

PhD students

+49 211 81-12292

+49 211 81-12596

+49 211 81-14640

+49 211 81-12194

+49 211 81-12292

+49 211 81-14640

+49 211 81-14390

+49 211 81-12596

+49 211 81-13153

+49 211 81-14390

+49 211 81-12194

+49 211 81-14390

+49 211 81-12874

+49 211 81-13153

+49 211 81-12874

+49 211 81-11871

+49 211 81-14390

+49 211 81-12596

+49 211 81-14640

+49 211 81-12292

+49 211 81-12292

Master students

+49 211 81-12194

+49 211 81-12194

+49 211 81-14390

+49 211 81-12292

+49 211 81-13153

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